Standard Charges
You may also use the links below to help estimate your costs.
Important: The prices listed are not a true estimate of your out-of-pocket cost. Your actual cost will be determined by the services you receive, Presbyterian’s contract with your insurance company and your benefit plan.
If you do not have insurance, you are entitled to a 30% discount off the listed price.
If you have Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare insurance, you may see two separate charges on separate bills for a service listed. The sum of the two charges for the service will equal the charge listed in the above link.
If you see an independent provider not employed by Presbyterian during your service, you will receive a separate bill from them directly for their services. Presbyterian cannot provide a price quote for their services.
For an estimate that is specific to your insurance coverage and includes co-payment, co-insurance percentage or annual deductible, contact your insurance company.